Klamath Basin Senior Citizens' Center

Inside this Issue:

Retire Resolutions and Set New Year’s Intentions Instead
Volunteer Spotlight – Cheryl Gibbs
Deepen Connections in the New Year By Jennifer Patterson, KBSCC Board Member and Patron
Situational Awareness Workshop on Jan 9
Story and Poetry Reading on Jan 16
Valentine’s Card Making Class on January 11th and 25t, 9 – 11:00a
Improve Your Cell Phone Photographs! Workshop with Gregg Waterman on Jan 23
New weekly offerings including Art Workshop, Game Day, and new Walk Your Way to Wellness Instructor!
Self-esteem Can Impact Your Quality of Life, by Brette Bliss, Sky Lakes Medical Center
Center Closed in Observation of Martin Luther King Jr Day on Jan 15
Stories, poems, photos, events, activities, and more!

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