Klamath Basin Senior Citizens' Center
Inside this Issue:
Center Closed July 4 and 5
Volunteer Spotlight: Carol Darling
SHIP TALK: Long Term Care
Ukulele Music Group on July 16
Celebrating Independence Day with Cascade Health Alliance and the ADA by Justin Straus, Marketing & Communications Manager, CHA
News from the Gift Shop
Summertime SADness: Reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder by Brette Bliss, Sky Lakes
Thursday Bingo on July 11 and Family Day Bingo July 14!
Light Everyday Summer Recipes
Stories, poems, photos, events, activities, and more!
Patron and Volunteer Survey Ongoing at the Klamath Basin Senior Center in collaboration with Oregon Health & Science University. This information will be used by the center in order to improve, modify, and expand its services to better serve the community. This survey should take about 10 minutes to complete and can be accessed through the following links. Surveys close July 31st.
Senior Center Patrons: ohsu.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bpFDo4De033Z65M
Senior Center Volunteers: ohsu.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dm4mfqHFlJBU1fg
If you prefer to conduct this survey via phone and/or video call, please contact lauca@ohsu.edu to schedule. Paper copies of this survey will be available at the Center.
Are you an older cancer survivor (65+ years of age), or have you been a care partner for an older cancer survivor? If so, researchers at the Oregon Health & Sciences University Knight Cancer Institute would like to ask how you feel about the use of technology in healthcare with a brief, one-time, anonymous, online survey. It is very important to this survey that we hear from people in rural areas so that technologies and improvements in cancer care can benefit everyone! The survey is available at https://redcap.link/PACSOHSU. Please take the survey if you are an older cancer survivor or care partner, or share the survey if you know someone else who is. If you would like more information, or to contact the research team about this and future studies, please go to https://www.ohsu.edu/PACS/ or call Chris Barnes at (503) 494-3926. Survey closes August 3. Thank you!!!