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KLAMATH COUNTY AGE CAFE ON MONDAYS 12P-1P in the downstairs conference room: Are you interested in an opportunity to meet with others and discuss a variety of topics? Free to all. Sponsored by Oregon Older Adult Behavioral Health Initiative (OABHI) and Klamath Basin Behavioral Health (KBBH). Age Café is a venue to have community conversations that matter.  It is based on the World Café (  The facilitators will have some topics for discussions and attendees will be asked topics of interest to them for ongoing sessions (not to include religion or politics).  No need to register, just come to the Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Center downstairs conference room on Mondays from noon to one p.m. (starting September 9, 2024).  Please be on time so as not to disrupt the process and all can enjoy the journey.